Contact Sheet(Digipak/Advert)

This is the contact sheet of the photoshoot that I have done with my actor in the streets of York, these images here should be able to cover my production for advert and Digipak of my album. I have basically followed my sketch for Digipak but still made a few changes due to various reasons, I have also contributed a few camera techniques in order to make everything creative and original.

Based on the research I did before of adverts and digipaks from folk genre music, I realised that the conventional pictures of adverts and digipaks are always been taken outdoors such as urban area or rural area, it is quite rare to find a image from a folk music advert or digipak that be taken in a studio or indoor, therefore I decided to create my pictures at where we shot the music video which is mainly the streets of York. We have been to the various locations of York in order to contribute more creativity and originality for my photoshoot, such as Victoria Park and York Minister.

In order to fit the "Brand Identity" and the "Star Image" of the my artist "Invisible Prince", I have used a few camera technique during the photoshoot. The most important camera technique that I have used in my photoshoot is shutter speed technique, It basically means slower the camera shutter speed which enables camera absorbing lights for 5 to 30 seconds, and under that circumstances when objects moving in front of the camera, it will became transparent in the actual images. Therefore I used that technique to make my artist actually "Invisible". Also the overall visual style and objects of these photos are all tends to be quite nostalgic and vintage in order to fits my genre characteristics and my brand identity.

In the original plan and sketch, the artist should wear a hat and a blue scarf and carrying a guitar in the images in order to follow the genre conventions. However, due to the reason that we found out those objects are actually quite unnecessary in the actual images, therefore we decided to get rid of them.

I have took all of these photos with my Canon DSLR 60D camera with a 18mm-135mm lens, and these equipement enables me to create photos in a high quality also contribute different camera techniques in order to be creative and original.